Refund Policy

Refund Policy

A full refund is available for change of mind or incorrectly ordered products prior to the item being shipped.


Returns can be made up to 45 days from receipt of the product:

Items have to be initiated for return and placed in the post within 45 days of the purchase date.

Item must be unused, in the original packaging and in re-sellable condition.

For incorrectly ordered or change of mind apeonline will offer a store credit, exchange or refund for the unused and unopened items. Any shipping fee previously paid is non refundable.

Please Note:

All items must be returned within 45 days

All items must be in the original packaging, unused, unopened, undamaged and free of any additional shipping labels or marks. We do not accept resealed items.

All change of mind, incorrectly ordered will incur a $15 return label fee, and will be deducted from your refund. A prepaid courier label will be sent to you. Simply attach to the returned product.

Apeonline reserves the right to decline a refund if the above conditions are not met. All returned items will be held for 90 days. If no instruction is received during that time, the item will be disposed of.

The following items cannot b returned:

Glass Media

Bulky items such as pool heaters

Magnesium minerals

If an item within warranty is deemed faulty, you are entitled to a repair, replacement, credit or refund, at the discretion of the manufacturer and/or Apeonline

We reserve the right to decline a repair, replacement, credit or refund claim where any product fault is caused by:

  • Misuse, neglect and abnormal use or abuse
  • Normal wear and tear
  • Damage arising from improper assembly or modification
  • Damage to external or product packaging only.
  • Damage occurring during your own handling and transportation of goods.

Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.